Policija u zajednici

Zajedničko rešavanje problema

Alatka za e-učenje za policiju u zajednici

E learning screenshot

Preuzmite alatku za E-učenje ovde!


Otvorite fajl „E-learning-COP.ppsm” i počnite odmah: instalacija nije potrebna!*


Sačuvajte fajl na svoj računar da biste mu pristupili i otpočeli e-učenje gde god i kad god želite!


police box     case box     background box



Lista odgovora

Želite da saznate odgovore na pitanja i vežbe u alatki? Pronađite ih ovde!



Nivo 1: Definisanje PuZ

ict4cop cover answer sheet 01

Preuzmite listu odgovora 1 kao PDF dokument


Level 2: Implementing COP

ict4cop cover answer sheet 02

Download answer sheet 2 as pdf-document


Level 3: Building Partnerships

ict4cop cover answer sheet 03

Download answer sheet 3 as pdf-document


Level 4: Problem solving

ict4cop cover answer sheet 04

 Download answer sheet 4 as pdf-document



* This e-learning tool is a Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML Macro-enabled Slide Show file (.ppsm). Therefore, PowerPoint must be installed on the end user's computer.

RUB LogoUniversity KrakowEU flagNMBU Logo
ICT4COP: A Research Project
funded by the EU Commission's
Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme